Whether you’re already in therapy or considering seeing a therapist in St. Paul, there are several things you can do to ensure that your sessions are successful. While your therapist is there to help you resolve issues, therapy can only be effective if you’re willing and able to put in the hard work. Here are some things you can do help your therapist.

Consider the Issues You Want to Discuss

Before your first session, take some time to consider the issues you want to talk about and why you want to begin individual therapy. Write down specific issues that you believe you need help with, such as things that make you feel threatened or upset.

While your therapist will be prepared with a list of questions to ask you, it can be very helpful for you to already know your purpose for starting therapy and some of the issues that you want to resolve. This will make it much easier for your therapist to help you develop the tools you need to overcome these issues.

Be Open and Honest

One of the best ways you can help your therapist is to be open and honest during each session. If you’re holding back, it will be difficult or near impossible for you to overcome the issues that drove you to therapy in the first place.

If you have trouble being open and honest about your feelings, consider practicing expressing your uncensored thoughts and feelings in private. This may help you feel more comfortable discussing these issues with your therapist openly and honestly. Just getting accustomed to voicing your thoughts make it easier to continue this behavior during your therapy session.

Maintain Your Appointments

Many issues will take several sessions to resolve, which is why it’s important to maintain your appointments with your therapist. It can be difficult to maintain your progress if you’re not attending your appointments regularly. Set your appointments, and keep them.