Today hypnosis is about as mainstream as an alternative therapy can get. Clinical hypnosis helps patients with anything from mental trauma, depression and anxiety to PTSD, eating disorders and stuttering.
The list goes on and on. This form of therapy can help calm your body and mind, allowing you to put to rest what bothers you and let go of all the negative emotions pent up in your soul.
What Is Clinical Hypnosis
Some people deal with traumatic experiences and problems by seeking the wrong kind of help. Alcohol and drugs can only numb the pain, but it will always be there. The first step to recovery is finding a local facility.
If you’re in the St. Paul, MN area, Hope & Healing for Life offers clinical hypnosis for their patients to naturally and effectively rid themselves of any emotional baggage, trauma or problems they might be facing.
Ben Wolf, MSW, LICSW is a licensed therapist that helps his patients with pain relief, self improvement, phobias, sexual dysfunctions and more. Call to set up a consultation or visit our website. To help adequately assess the mind, body and soul, you have to understand what clinical hypnosis really is, what it is about and how it can help.
Is Clinical Hypnosis Right for You?
Clinical hypnosis is an altered state of awareness, perception or consciousness to treat a psychological or physical problem. Patients come to a relaxed state of concentration and focused attention to use their minds more powerfully to allow more use of their potential. Clinical hypnosis does not involve being put to sleep or render the patient unconscious.
Patients have full control over actions and thoughts, but with immense clarity. This is a way to clear the mind while a professional like Ben Wolf guides and asks questions to pinpoint the problems one might be facing. Understanding why you feel a certain way is the first step to conquering negative thoughts.
How Can Clinical Hypnosis Help?
If you are trying to stop smoking, lose weight, control substance abuse or even overcome a phobia, clinical hypnosis might be worth a try. Hypnosis can work for almost everyone; if you are willing for it to work and you have a clear idea about what you want clinical hypnosis to do for you.
It is not recommended for people with personality disorders such as schizophrenia, borderline or narcissistic disorders. These people should consult with a psychiatrist familiar with hypnosis before trying it.